Recently, we told you about the temporary accommodation centre for internally displaced people in Myrnohrad, which today received household appliances and tablets from us to help them set up their homes.
Currently, 32 people who have come from dangerous areas live here.
Through our partnership with Public Organization "Nasha Dopomoha", we have provided the CC with thermopots, refrigerators, electric kettles, TVs, washing machines, dryers, irons, tablets, etc.
In Ukraine, the project "Integrated Humanitarian Response in War and Post-War Recovery" is being implemented with the financial support of the Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) (UK). The project, which aims to support communities to meet urgent humanitarian, social and medical needs and a decent life in crisis conditions, is implemented by the Public Organization "Nasha Dopomoha" with the technical support of Christian Aid and under the coordination of the ICF "Alliance for Public Health".