Living in close proximity to the frontline is balancing on the brink of a humanitarian crisis

The people who continue to live here face heavy shelling, the destruction of their homes, and the lack of basic goods to meet their daily needs. The locals are used to living with constant electricity and water cuts, empty store shelves and high prices for available goods.

Together with the Norwegian Refugee Council in Ukraine, we are taking care of the residents of Donetsk and Kharkiv regions. Our new activity is about providing various types of assistance to people in critical need.

Our team has recently visited Myrnohrad. The city is located 20 kilometres away from the frontline. It's a difficult place to live, but the locals always greet us with a smile and are looking forward to seeing us. We have brought them food kits and household goods, including bed linen, towels, blankets, jerry cans, buckets and kitchen sets. We have also provided household hygiene kits and hygiene products for the elderly.

These are the goods that are almost impossible for the locals to buy on their own.

We are grateful to our partners for this much-needed help!

The project is implemented with the support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the European Union and the Humanitarian Fund for Ukraine.