Thanks to our cooperation with the World Food Programme, we are visiting communities in the Donetsk region that are in a difficult situation

Kryva Luka and Kalenyky are two villages located about 20 kilometres from the frontline. Since the start of the full-scale war, electricity and gas have been cut off, making life more difficult. However, everyone who waits for us here shares stories with smiles on their faces.

"It is very difficult without electricity and gas, but we turn on generators or, if the weather is sunny, we connect solar panels, or just use candles. It was quite hard in winter. We are grateful to the volunteers who bring us food and firewood," says Zinaida. - "We turned washing machines into stoves and bake bread outside!"

Impressive stories and no less impressive people who, despite all the hardships, remain cheerful and friendly.

We thank the team and the WFP for the opportunity to provide the help people need!