How to promote children's socialization during online learning?

Today, there is a particular problem for parents, especially those who live in settlements close to the front line. Every parent talks about the same problem - the lack of communication for their children.

Schools and kindergartens operate only remotely, and clubs and activities have ceased.

Recognizing the problem, UNICEF opened a Child-Friendly Space. Three centers in Nikopol, Marhanets and Tomakivka are already working to make up for educational losses and promote communication between children and their peers.

In addition to educational and entertainment programs, psychologists also visit the children twice a week. This activity significantly helps children to overcome the impact of war on their psyche and helps parents find a common language with their children.

The Child-Friendly Space was created as part of a project of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). The center is operated by the Charitable Foundation "Angels of Salvation" in cooperation with UNICEF and with financial support from the Government of Norway